Home2024 Summer Grass Court Training




Lakeside Volleyball Club is happy to release our summer training program and schedule for 2024.  This is our fourth year running our grass court programs and we look forward to seeing some new faces along with those whom are returning from previous summer or academy training sessions.

About Our Programs

Beginner/Intermediate:  This program will be best suited for kids between the ages of 11 – 15 years old that are new to the game of volleyball and/or have limited experience playing organized volleyball ie. school volleyball, house league.  Focus will be put on fundamental progression and core skill development with the intention of each player leaving the 10-session program being able to perform the basic skills of the game correctly and with consistency. NOTE:  Athletes older than 15 years are welcome to join this group if they feel they would benefit more from a fundamentals-based program.

Advanced:  This program is geared towards athletes that have at least one year of club volleyball experience and can demonstrate consistency in performing all basic skills (passing/volleying proficiency, consistent overhand serving, knowledge of rotations and positions, attacking concepts and execution, etc.).  Drills and skills for this program are designed to build upon the athlete’s volleyball foundation and prepare them for continued competitive play in the OVA.


  • As a priority, please select the program that you believe would be the best fit for the participant regardless of age.  We have had 10 year olds that pick up the skills very quickly and should be with a more advanced group.  We have also had 16 year olds that are entering the game late and gained the most from being part of the beginner/intermediate group where the pace of learning is not as progressive and allows for more focus on perfecting core skills.
  • With regards to the above – during these programs, we are constantly analyzing and assessing the participants to ensure they are getting the most out of the program.  If we feel that a participant has been misplaced in a program and should move to another program (up to advance, or down to beginner/intermediate), we will reach out to the participant and their parent/guardian to have a conversation.

Summer Training Schedules

All training sessions will run on weeknights throughout the summer, with the first sessions starting on June 18, 2024.

All training sessions will be held at Hopedale Park in Oakville (located on the north side of the South Oakville Center – formerly Hopedale Mall – which is on the northeast corner of Third Line and Rebecca St.).  NOTE:  please access the park via the parking lot on the north side of the mall.  Do not use Tansley Drive to access the park as there is no parking available on Tansley Drive.

Programs 2 for both Beginner/Intermediate and Advanced will run from 5:30 – 6:45 pm.  We have added an extra 15 minutes to both programs and adjusted the start times so that it is a bit easier for the early group to get there.

Program Level Days Dates Time (PM)
Program 2 Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced Tuesday & Thursday Jul 30 – Aug 29 (10 Sessions) 5:30 – 6:45 pm

Summer Training Fees
Program Fee Register
Program 2 $395.50 ($350+HST) PROGRAM IS FULL

Payment of Fees:

E-transfer to info@lakesidevb.com.  Payments are automatically deposited.  No security password required.

PLEASE NOTE:  When you register, you should receive an email confirmation once you submit your form.  Please check your spam/junk folder for the confirmation email from Lakeside if you do not receive a confirmation within five minutes.

Terms and Conditions

  • Payment is due upon registration.  Your spot in the program is not confirmed until payment is received in full, and you are at risk of losing your spot if the fee is not paid and there are limits on participants.
  • Players will not be permitted to participate in training until fees are paid.
  • The fee takes into account the fact that there may be some days that training may not be able to take place due to inclement weather.  We will not be offering discounts and/or refunds for sessions that are cancelled due to inclement weather.  We will make every effort to reschedule a session or make up the time at a later date should training not run for this reason.
  • We understand that people will make travel plans throughout the summer to visit their cottage, go camping, travel overseas, etc.  Therefore, should you have an extended period of time (longer than seven days/more than two consecutive training sessions) where you will be missing training, please contact us at info@lakesidevb.com and let us know the dates you will be missing and we will try to accommodate your schedule.  

Please review our Refund Policy to ensure you have all of the necessary information prior to registering for our programs. 


Girls Youth Volleyball for the Region of Halton
Oakville, Ontario, Canada


Member of the Ontario Volleyball Association
Member of Volleyball Canada
Member of Junior Volleyball Association (USA)
Member of Amateur Athletic Union (USA)


© Lakeside Volleyball Club 2025